Smartlouvre Technology

Campus Pictet de Rochemont

KoolShade was specified by Inès Lamunière, the founder and head of designlab-architecture.

Key details

The conurbation around Geneva is undergoing a stunning transformation. It is a re-invention of Urban and City spaces, conceptualised with the benefit of hindsight, and planned for a conscious future. The goal is to construct a symbiotic space for living and nature, with the benefits this will bring. At the heart of the Campus Pictet de Rochemont will be a showcase building.

A place to live, work and thrive in the knowledge that they are part of the remedy to the Global Warming Crises.

  • The inauguration of the Campus will be in 2025.
  • 55,000m2 of Office Space
  • 2,500 Workspaces
  • 12,000 m2 of KoolShade to envelop the building
  • 90m at the highest point


Campus Pictet de Rochemont


Geneva, Switzerland.


Koolshade® screens

Case Study E-Book

The problem

The Pictet Group's ambition was to achieve Platinium rating for the new building. The highest level of SNBS, LEED and WELL certification possible. 

Sustainability and economic viability for SNBS

Environmental and energy protection for LEED

Assessment of occupant well-being for WELL

It needed to be one of the most environmentally conscious buildings in Europe.

The solution

The building facade design is using a unique woven louvre material, known as KoolShade from SmartLouvre Technology.

It will bring immense benefits to the occupants of the building and to the environment itself.


  • Heat block and temperature reduction
  • Comfortable, usable working & living spaces
  • Retained views out
  • Air conditioning reduction
  • Glare control

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Product integrations

Lighting solutions - Anti Glare and Diffusion

Victory Boulevard

Our Microlouvre Koolshade® ultra-thin metal fabric louvres were integrated into the units and permitted optimum light transfer, ensuring high energy efficiency, which is key to any lighting strategy.

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Solar shading

Basingstoke Hospital

Temperatures immediately plummeted for the benefit of all. Because of these results, it was said that 40 air-conditioning units were no longer required.

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Solar shading

Alexandra Hospital

With straightforward, quick and importantly non-intrusive installation, Microlouvre Koolshade® ticked the boxes in terms of leading to a lower internal temperature and reducing the HVAC load by at least 68%.

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Why Microlouvre Koolshade®?

A huge range of exceptional performance properties in just one system

Microlouvre Koolshade® metal fabric has exceptional performance properties. Its solar shading and glare control capabilities, combined with its fire and heat resistance, make it uniquely versatile. Its flexibility also means we can produce this in limitless shapes, sizes, and colours for all types of window coverings, lighting design, exhibition displays and for managing natural ventilation.

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Qualifications & Accreditations

Manufacturers of high quality sustainable louvred metal fabrics for multiple applications.

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