Smartlouvre Technology

The ONLY fully sustainable, 100% effective solar heat external shading.

Koolshade® is unique. It is a woven metal fabric & its micro louvres remove the sun's heat whilst allowing outward vision and ventilation.

KoolShade® is impressive. The ability to block heat gain from the sun is unrivalled. Watch the video on the left to see it in action on a beach.

The video on the right shows how it can be equally as beautiful and become an architectural feature.

Being made from recycled scrap metal and being 100% recyclable at the end of life, makes it the ideal, eco-friendly solar shading choice. It needs no power to operate and will last over 60 years.

The story of Koolshade® started decades ago, but the need and demand for its properties have never been stronger. 

A huge shift in attitude is happening globally. There is recognition that we must look at alternative options to live our lives with a net zero impact on the planet. 

Brilliant minds invent solutions to deliver and implement strategies to reverse the damage already done. Microlouvre Koolshade® aims to play its part in removing solar heat gain from buildings, old and new, in a truly passive way.

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Koolshade® Solar Shading

Solar Shading is Koolshade’s® primary application and has been specifically designed for high-performance sun control as an external passive system for the thermal management & glare reduction of sun-exposed glazing.

  • Blocks Solar Heat Gain
  • Provides Essential Shade
  • Dramatically reduces aircon requirement/costs

It continually dissipates the sun’s heat & energy whilst not blocking vision, daylight or ventilation. It allows perfect outward vision, is eco-friendly & reduces the need for mechanical cooling. The ideal Passiv Haus shading material.

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Building Façades

Microlouvre Koolshade® can rejuvenate and transform tired buildings into modern, energy-saving, weather-protected investments. Our mesh system can help prolong the life of a building for many additional years. Discrete application to historic buildings is possible. It creates uniformity and an improved aesthetic as well as the solar protection performance.

When Microlouvre Koolshade® screens are fitted to dated single or double glazing, still commonplace in most building stocks, the overall glazing performance for protection from solar heat gain is superior to even the best current solar glass. Microlouvre Koolshade® screens can be made to look just like the original windows but offering so much more.

It is also A1/A2 fire rated, which is now a legal requirement for many residential buildings.

MicroLouvre® Lighting Solutions

MicroLouvre® provides essential glare control by creating directional light diffusion, source concealment and glare control. It is a highly effective light diffusion material for a wide range of applications.

MicroLouvre® metal fabric is directional which can be used for various lighting purposes, including in: trading floors, museum or exhibition displays, shading traffic lights, and buildings and bridges around the globe. In addition, it is corrosive-resistant so suitable for indoor or outdoor use.

MicroLouvre® is so thin and easy to manipulate, it can easily be integrated or retrofitted into any lighting unit.

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Manufacturers of high quality sustainable louvred metal fabrics for multiple applications.

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